Sunday, December 29, 2019

Goodbye 2019

So we have reached the end of a decade and are on the brink of entering a brand new decade!

So for the past few days, I have been taking it easy and also have taken some time out to reflect on the years gone by and it has been very interesting to go down the memory lane.

Among all these years, this year was one of my best year also because I was determined to make one too 😁

Yes you can do anything you put your mind into 😇

I am so happy to end the year on a happier note and I am sharing with you some of the most important highlights of my year.

First of all I am so happy to end the year on a 10 KGS lighter note 😁

Second - I was going through my Sav Bakes gallery and more stuff and I am so happy with the kind of development Sav Bakes has made this year.

2019 saw the launch of so many new products at Sav Bakes 😊

From healthy Cakes, Muffins, Brownies to Cakesicles to more interesting Brownies and Cupcakes to some fabulous Chocolates and more 😊

It's been a great year at Sav Bakes spreading smiles via our Bakes.

Also we had held some contests and giveaways which made some people so happy 😇

Third - One of my recipe was published in Bombay Times 😁

So overall it was a great year of learning and some positive outcomes.

Yes there were challenges along the way but it was a good year 😇

Ending this post on a grateful and thankful note.

See you lovely people in 2020 😊

Tons of Love 💕


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